GLR Spotlight is an interview series featuring Matchmakers, Dating Coaches & Relationship Experts

Global Love Report – August 7th, 2024
Interviewed by Global Love Report

Global Love Spotlight was created to feature some of our industry peers as a way for our community to get to know one another. Learn from what has worked successfully, as well as gain different perspectives and insights into various business strategies. We hope to continuously grow as an industry together by sharing these best practices with everyone!

About Jill Vandor

Jill Vandor LunchDates

Meet Jill Vandor, Executive Matchmaker & Dating Coach for LunchDates, Boston’s most trusted matchmaker for more than two decades. With more than 25 years of invaluable experience in the dating industry, Jill has been featured in reputable publications such as the Boston Globe, Boston Magazine,, and The New York Times.

Specializing in guiding successful single professionals throughout the Greater Boston area, Jill is the trusted go-to authority for those seeking genuine, lasting relationships. Her expertise extends beyond matchmaking, encompassing comprehensive date coaching and unparalleled insights into the complexities of modern romance. And her dedication to her clients is best captured by this recent development: Jill has been asked to officiate the wedding of two people she has matched. Check her Global Love Spotlight Interview below!



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Global Love Report Interview 

Global Love Report (GLR): What made you decide to add relationship coaching to your list of skills?

Jill Vandor (JV): I’ve been a matchmaker since I came out of the womb. Whether it was fixing up my friends in grade school or being a wingwoman before the term even existed, it was a skill that came naturally to me. Through the years of giving relationship and dating advice, reading books, and attending seminars, I developed an enjoyment in coaching friends and clients. The opportunity to learn from Dr. Terri Orbuch, a woman who I have respected from afar for years, came at the perfect time as I’m always looking to better myself.

GLR: How do you think singles will benefit from a matchmaker with coaching skills?

JV: The client who gets to work with a matchmaker with coaching skills is getting the best of all worlds as it provides clients the opportunity to understand wants and needs in a different light. That being said, as a matchmaker who coaches clients, you need to walk the line of meeting your client’s expectations while setting them up for success in a way that is in their best interest.  

GLR: What’s something new that you’ve learned that you’re excited to implement in your own business?

JV: I don’t believe I learned anything new that I will be implementing per say, but I found myself both rejuvenated and more clear in the direction of my business.

GLR: What’s something that you learned from the course that surprised you?

JV: Great question… I knew from colleagues how great Dr. Terri was, but was surprised that as great as a mentor as she has been, she’s so giving of her time and even better of a human being. 

GLR: What advice do you have for those who want to become a dating and relationship coach?

JV: The best advice I can give somebody who wants to be a dating and relationship coach is to be fully committed to the craft and never to stop trying to better yourself. Whether I’m catching Damona Hoffman or Paul Carrick Brunson on a podcast, quickly takes from Matchmaker Maria (Avgitidis) or Nick Notas on social or simply reading Meredith Goldstein’s Love Letters in the Boston Globe, I always take something away.

GLR: How do you approach working with clients who have different needs and goals when it comes to dating? 

JV: I think the most important thing to remember is not to assume anything.  It’s easy to believe you know what they want and need whether it’s in a potential match or coaching, but our job requires us to pay attention as much to what they are not saying and what they are. No matter how comfortable a client is with you when you begin working with them, you will learn so much about what truly makes them tick as time goes by so always give your clients your full attention.

Read for more Global Love Report Spotlight Interviews here.


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