GLR Spotlight is an interview series featuring Matchmakers, Dating Coaches & Relationship Experts

Global Love Report – July 24th, 2024
Interviewed by Global Love Report

Global Love Spotlight was created to feature some of our industry peers as a way for our community to get to know one another. Learn from what has worked successfully, as well as gain different perspectives and insights into various business strategies. We hope to continuously grow as an industry together by sharing these best practices with everyone!

About Tasha Turner

certified matchmaker and the founder of KHYTRI Tasha Turner

Introducing Tasha Turner, a newly certified matchmaker and the founder of KHYTRI, Human Love Resource. With over 16 years of experience in human resources, supporting Fortune 500 companies in America, Tasha leverages her expertise to help modern professionals find lasting love.

Her “Human Love Resource” approach aligns clients with partners suited to their long-term lifestyle goals. Discover more about her captivating journey in the interview below!

KHYTRI Website




Email: [email protected]

Global Love Report Interview 

Global Love Report (GLR): What is the name of your company?

Tasha Turner (TT): KHYTRI, Human Love Resource

GLR: Which locations do you cover?

TT: Based out of Cincinnati, Ohio but supporting clients where they are.

GLR: What was your career before entering the matchmaking industry?

TT: I’m an HR professional.

GLR: Why did you decide to become a matchmaker?

TT: I’ve always been in the business of helping others, but being a matchmaker provides me with a more fulfilling purpose while leveraging transferrable skills from my corporate profession. I want to help others find and maintain the spark they desire and deserve.

GLR: Did your perception of what a matchmaker does change after being certified?

TT: I was surprised by how similar HR processes are to matchmaking. I was also surprised by the growth and opportunities within the industry. I love how matchmakers are viewed to be partners versus competitors.

GLR: What are you looking forward to as a matchmaker?

TT: I’m looking forward to connecting and networking with other matchmakers and service providers. I look forward to bringing smiles and filling hearts one person at a time.

GLR: Have you met any other matchmakers? Are you open to collaboration in the future? 

TT: I met individuals through the program, and I’m looking to collaborate with others, so don’t be surprised if you hear from me. Meanwhile, I welcome others to reach out: [email protected].

GLR: Do you have any advice for people still considering if they want to be a matchmaker or not?

TT: The biggest learning for me through this process is having confidence in myself and not being overwhelmed by the feeling of wearing many hats. It truly is a leap of faith in yourself.

Know your worth and don’t let others place doubt in your mind. A book that helped me is written by Pamela Scott: How to Pivot from Your 9-5 to Entrepreneurship (

Read more Global Love Report Spotlight Interviews here.


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