Global Love Report – October 6, 2021
A review article by Pamela Stephanie

A new matchmaking agency opened recently in the city of Vire. Its owner, Marilyne Moisan has actually been in the dating industry for the past 11 years. However, her focus before had been on online dating. In fact, she created an online dating site in 2018 called Amour normand.

However, she decided to go back to the old tried and true methods of matchmaking. So, concurrent to her online dating business, she decided to open her new matchmaking agency.

Moisan explained that she’s offering something different for singles used to online dating. “The level of security is total,” especially for singles who are tired of fake profiles or old photographs or those looking to meet face-to-face instead of looking at a phone or a monitor.

To accommodate those who are hesitant to take the first step, Moisan will establish a profile, get to know the client and their expectations and then advise them on their selection criteria. She won’t be showing photographs and clients won’t be exchanging messages with their potential match before their first date.

Moisan will also be collaborating with other businesses. She mentioned that hairdressers who can refer clients to her will be given a commission, for example. She’s also organizing events and trips for singles—a way for people to get to know each other.

To read the original French article, click here.

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(Image source: Pexels, Amina Filkins)