Nagasaki Shimbun

Global Love Report – December 14, 2022
English summary by Pamela Stephanie

IBJ, which runs the Japan Marriage Agency Federation, is working together with the Nagasaki Shimbun Cultural Hall, part of the Nagasaki Shimbun Group in order to support matchmaking activities in the Nagasaki area.

The Nagasaki Shimbun Group has established a new matchmaking agency on December 1st, 2022.

The group wishes to support marriage activities in the Nagasaki Prefecture due to the decreasing birth rate as well as the outflow of population from the Prefecture, causing a population decline. By opening this agency, they wish to support Nagasaki residents who wish to find a spouse.

Some of matchmakers working in the new matchmaking agency are highly-experienced bridal advisors at the Nagasaki Shimbun Cultural Hall. And it’s not only that. In fact, thanks to the group’s century-long presence in the area, they have people with extensive knowledge in: best dating spots and gourmet restaurants, how to come up with conversation topics with your partner—and as a newspaper company, the group have the knowledge and skills when it comes to photography and writing profiles.

So, although the matchmaking agency may be new, the group itself has all the resources needed to successfully help the agency’s clients.
On IBJ’s side, they will be able to expand the Japan Marriage Agency Association’s members in the Nagasaki area. This is largely thanks to the Nagasaki Shimbun Group’s extensive network in the Prefecture—which includes their readers.

Of course, due to the demand for matchmaking that’s currently increasing in Japan, many companies with extensive local knowledge and ties to the matchmaking industry have now started their own matchmaking companies. These companies include: restaurants, travel agencies, and hotels.

Originally published by PR Times.

(Image source: Unsplash, Fly D)